Patience Satisfaction Force Field Analysis Essay Paper


In this second milestone, you will develop a force field analysis (FFA). FFA is a method for listing, discussing, and assessing the various forces for and against a proposed change. FFA encourages you to look at the big picture by assessing all of the forces impacting the change and weighing the pros and cons. Having identified these, you can then develop strategies to reduce the impact of the opposing forces and strengthen the supporting forces. FFA is especially useful when you want to overcome resistance to change and to define and resolve a quality issue in the healthcare environment. You will be expected to incorporate feedback on the milestone assignments into the final paper Patience Satisfaction Force Field Analysis Essay Paper.


Address the following critical elements in your Milestone Two paper:

II. Force Field Analysis

a) Develop an FFA that includes likely compelling forces (goals) and hindering forces (barriers) of the three actions you have selected that require improvement.

b) Once you have determined the goals and barriers for the three actions that require improvement, create a table of goals and corresponding barriers, including the title of the improvement project, such as shown in the following example:

HCM 630 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric In this second milestone, you will develop a force field analysis (FFA). FFA is a method for listing, discussing, and assessing the various forces for and against a proposed change. FFA encourages you to look at the big picture by assessing all of the forces impacting the change and weighing the pros and cons. Having identified these, you can then develop strategies to reduce the impact of the opposing forces and strengthen the supporting forces. FFA is especially useful when you want to overcome resistance to change and to define and resolve a quality issue in the healthcare environment. You will be expected to incorporate feedback on the milestone assignments into the final paper. Address the following critical elements in your Milestone Two paper: II. Force Field Analysis a) Develop an FFA that includes likely compelling forces (goals) and hindering forces (barriers) of the three actions you have selected that require improvement. b) Once you have determined the goals and barriers for the three actions that require improvement, create a table of goals and corresponding barriers, including the title of the improvement project, such as shown in the following example: Title of Improvement Project: Decrease the Number of Incorrect Medications Administered to Patients Goals Barriers Just as identifying a patient by two unique identifiers, A few drugs have only one name (e.g., Heparin). Software will not allow space for more than require a brand AND generic name for each drug one name on the medication administration record or permit Tallman lettering. What if the drug has more than one brand name, and what if that brand name differs from the one ordered by the physician? How can we ensure the brand and generic names provided actually pertain to the same drug? Utilize a barcode scanner for drugs and patient Cost of the scanner, software, and armband system is prohibitive for the entire organization armband before administration and will require quite a bit of training for staff. How will you manage the scanner for patients in isolation precautions? Patience Satisfaction Force Field Analysis Essay Paper


How is the scanner cleaned between users? Additionally, nurses may resist adding another step in the medication administration process. Medication that is not intended for a patient is never Medication dispensing cabinets are limited and are quite a distance from some rooms. One of taken into that patient’s room nurses’ time-saving methods is to obtain medications for several patients at one time. Leaving unsecured medications for another patient outside of the room is unacceptable. What if a nurse carrying medications for a patient is called into a room to help? Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This paper should be 1–2 pages in length, not including the cover page or reference page. APA format is to be used for the reference list and all internal citations. Include at least three scholarly research articles. Critical Elements Analysis Table of Goals and Barriers Scholarly Research Articulation of Response Exemplary (100%) Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates exceptional insight into managing continuous quality improvement in healthcare settings Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates exceptional insight into managing continuous quality improvement in healthcare settings Meets “Proficient” criteria by including three or more scholarly research articles that give in-depth details supporting identified improvement Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, and syntax and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Proficient (90%) Develops a logical force field analysis that includes likely goals and barriers of the three actions selected for improvement Needs Improvement (70%) Develops a force field analysis that includes likely goals and barriers of the three actions selected for improvement but with gaps in logic or necessary detail Creates a table of goals and barriers but it is not based on force field analysis or has gaps in necessary detail Not Evident (0%) Does not develop a force field analysis that includes likely goals and barriers of the three actions selected for improvement Value 30 Does not create a table of goals and barriers 30 Includes two scholarly research articles that give in-depth details supporting identified improvement Includes some scholarly research but does not give indepth support to identified improvement Does not include scholarly research 20 Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax that prevent understanding of ideas 20 Creates a comprehensive table of goals and barriers based on force field analysis Total 100% Patience Satisfaction Force Field Analysis Essay Paper